We are not running out of water, there is plenty of water
out there. The state of Utah, for
example, receives 50 to 100 million acre-feet of precipitation each year (An
acre-foot is a football field flooded one foot deep or enough water to supply
an average Utah family of 6-12 for an entire year). Even if you subtract the 90 percent of
precipitation used by the natural environment, there is still enough water for
40-80 million people in this state, if we don’t just piss it all away.
It all started with the inception of our archaic water right
system. You know – ‘first in time first
in right and use it loose it’ - beneficial use.
Invented in the 1840’s by the competitive California gold miners to
prevent infighting and perfected by the cooperative Mormon pioneers to promote
development, successful applicants get more water than they could possibly use,
in the priority of their application, forever, for free, if they put it to
beneficial use.
The State owns all the water and lets us use it according to
our needs. There is no value or price
put on the water or even consideration for what it was used for, only the water
user’s application’s place in line matters.
Irrigation trumps in-stream flows, sprinklers trump endangered species,
power production trumps people.
This worked, according to plan, at encouraging full
development of the west’s natural water resources and all the available flowing
water was given away. Then the flood
waters were given away, then the ground water.
Then even the imaginary water was given away, just in case the climate
changes and more of it magically appears.
So we gave away twice as much paper water as actual wet water. Over-allocated and over-subscribed, water
conservation used to mean ‘using it all up’.
You just had to show occasional use of all your water or you could lose
it forever to the next guy on the list.
It’s dog eat dog.
Then at the turn of the century came the Bureau of
Reclamation, a branch of the Department of Interior that was instigated to
promote water and population development of the western states and entice the
criminals and shysters back east to move out here. It worked.
The Bureau built so many plumbing projects and gave away so much water that
the west has become so overrun with welfare farmers and speculative yuppies
that you can’t swing a cat without hitting someone with their big fat water
The big Bureau projects, funded by revenues from suspect ‘Cash
Register’ power dams like Glen Canyon, gave water to the farmers for pennies on
the dollar and to the Municipalities for
just a little more than that.
Municipalities in turn hid the cost of water in property taxes,
assessments and impact fees so everyone could go on blindly irrigating their
lawns and sidewalks with impunity. Actual conservation was given some lip
service but trusting the water suppliers to encourage less use of their product
was like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. Call me crazy.
Now all the available water has been allocated and the
Bureau and Municipalities have perfected giving it away. So if you want to obtain some water, you have
to go buy it, usually from someone who got it for free. Talk about entitlement. So now there is finally a price and a cost
and a worth for water that may help us naturally prioritize its use. So now people are starting to pay attention
to water again.
We can now rely on the free market, if not the fair market,
to regulate our second most valuable natural resource. Can we trust the market to equitably
distribute this valuable public resource like it was oil or pig belly’s. You can live for 5 minutes without air and
maybe 5 days without water. How much
would you pay for a glass of water if you were dying of thirst? Everything.
Seems reasonable.
Well what about the common good, the public welfare. We went from a fairly communistic and
socialist system of ‘water for everyone according to need’, to a strictly
capitalist system of ‘water to the highest bidder’. Who do we trust to keep the practical balance
between these ideologies?
We have the State Engineer who is a technical layman
appointed by the Governor and approved by the Legislature. He is backed by good science and engineering
but is under a tremendous amount of political and economic pressure to enforce
the rules. Rules that are constantly changed
by the incumbent politicians to satisfy the current private interest of the
day. We continually shoot the Albatross that
leads us out of drought and hang it around the State Engineer’s neck to punish
him, like Coleridge’s Ancient Mariner.
There are backup judicial
alternatives for appeals but lord knows they are political too and wear their
own dead Albatross around their neck. So
we trust our politicians with our hydro future but who elects and appoints these
politicians? Corporations, private interests, good old boys
and the water buffaloes that enjoy all the continued water entitlements and
subsidies, that’s who. Do we think they
want to change this system? It is
another self-perpetuating, self-aggrandizement hysteresis loop of self-interest.
We are all screwed.
We are, unless we can change our water culture and ethic of
waste, denial and greed. Unless we can
start appreciating water for what it really costs and value it for what it is
worth, economically, socially, culturally and metaphysically. Unless we can start prioritizing and paying
for it. It will require a paradigm shift
in values and a lifestyle adjustment for all of us. It will take the development of a sustainable
and resilient system, based on the value of this shrinking resource and its expanding
various uses, to focus more clearly on the priorities of the public and the
needs of the multitudes. If not then, like the Ancient Mariner, we will be
cursed to wander the earth forever, retelling our sad, sorry story to those who
are destined to repeat it.
Forget it Jake, It’s Chinatown.
Roman Polansky